Code of conduct & compliance
Our code of conduct details our business standards and practices here in Australia and globally.
Code of conduct
Our values and standards are the basis of our success.
They always have been. They always will be.

Our values and standards
Our values and standards help our employees understand what is expected of them and provides guidance on business standards and practices. It represents the very core of our character as a company.

Business partners
We strive to treat our business partners honestly, fairly and with respect. Our business partner code of conduct helps us protect our reputation.

For pharmaceutical companies to bring a product or medicine to the Australian market, medicines must be registered through the regulatory agency of the Australian Government, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Both Medicines Australia and the TGA prohibit a pharmaceutical company from direct to consumer advertising.

Medicines Australia’s is a research-based medicines industry organisation which provides a Code of Conduct that sets the standards for the ethical marketing and promotion of prescription pharmaceutical products in Australia. As a Class One member of Medicines Australia, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all that we do.

Office of Ethics
Our company’s Office of Ethics was established over 20 years ago to protect and promote the company’s values and standards on a global basis by developing and overseeing initiatives designed to deter illegal, unethical and improper behavior related to the company’s business.
AU-NON-00723 Last updated on July 2023